I'm having problems finding this game on steam, the link works well but when I login to my account the page just says there was a prob and I'm just left there
its truly a pity this game seems really promising and I wanted to experience, the game seems to not be continued here on itch.io, from some comments, (maybe not plz let me know).
Art seems really a treat and I was really exited about it.
Still gonna give it a go.
Let me know if it is even a prob to begin with and also let me know if they are going to keep on publishing it here on itch.io.
The game is great, and has many pleasing visuals, the only deterrent from me supporting on Patreon or buying it on steam, is that there's no guide to the game, unlike many others you will find on itchio
Hi, will you guys ever consider making a game like this but with a female protag and male options? I really love the art style of the game and as a fan of the dark hero narrative, the atmosphere is absolutely amazing! If not, that's alright I can find my otome nsfw fix elsewhere, but if you guys ever do decide to do so, consider me an immediate patron!
The wording of your question confuses me so, I'll answer like this.
There is heterosexual and homosexual content within the game. The protag has a wife, but you can mostly easily avoid hetero scenes through your choices, you can also fairly easily avoid male/male content fairly easily through your choices. That being said, it is probably impossible to avoid all the gay or all the straight content. You will likely encounter both no matter what you do. While the protagonist is male, you will occasionally gain control over his wife and be able to make choices on her behalf.
In other words
It has both a lot of straight and a lot of gay content. There is more straight content though, and it's (in my opinion) easier to find all the straight scenes than some of the gay scenes.
Hi Guys! How do you trigger the first meeting with Liurial? She never appears in my game.. no way to summon her from the throne room. Am I missing something? Pls help!
just a some quick questions: is the steam version going to be automatically updated? does this corrupt savefiles? and is it possible in the current version to transform any of your slaves or alexia ;) thanks in advance!
Not sure how steam updates work but I don't think it will Corrupt any savefiles in the upcomming build. That said, there may be a time when it'll happen as we're expanding the map ( for the goblin arc), doing skill rework and some overall changes on the QoL aspect ( i reckon you'll see some glimpse of it in the next build :) ). As for TF aspect, I don't think so.
oh my god i love it to, imagine if the money they put behind those stupid ass call of duty games went into something complex like this, or that gwent card game
Hi, I have a question. I've played the game on gamcore and I've exported my saved file. Now i downloaded it, since gamcore doesn't allow me to import my save. Is it possible to import my save on the game I've downloaded? Thanks in advance for the answer.
Forgive me, if I ask something that has already been asked... The description doesn't state wether there is m/m content or not. I read in a comment down below there is, but I want to make sure first. I'd be happy about a reply from anyone really.
Haha, fantastic news^^ I am excited! No, not down there... maybe later? Hehehe~ (let me be premature for once, thanks. Although, does it really matter on a site like this?)
It does so very well and thoroughly, thanks a bunch! Your ways of thinking make a lot of sense to me. Maybe they can make more money with Steam than with Patreon? It could be. If they plan to publish in about a year, I guess what it means is they have even more content in store for us (game looks already big, though Idk. A higher quality, like FHD probably I assume.
I like your comment, so I followed you for no real reason really lol
These were public builds that lagged behind the Patreon versions. But since Steam does have an 'Adults' section, the creatours put the game on there... they still have it on Steam... and this public version isn't being updated any longer. So we have to pay for it for more content basically.
Also as a fellow gay-guy (gay lover) - not as furry loving as you though it seems, was wondering if you wanted to chat more... share games you've found or visual novelles that you've liked.
It also said you speak German on your account. And I only learned it at University & when I lived in Duesseldorf for a few months. Whether you'd be into conversing auf Deutsch or just in English at all. :)
Oh... I honestly never expected someone to ask this so genuine...
But first: Thank you so much for your long explanation.
It's true, I haven't lied to you or anyone else when I wrote that I'm German.
Did you like your „Aufenthalt“ (=stay) in Düsseldorf at all or was it very difficult for you to communicate? How were the people in the „Umgebung“ (=surroundings)? Personally, I've never been to America for a few month. We visited your lovely country 2 times and my family 3 times (I hate long flights). Once because my sister went to Iowa – lol – for a year, the second time we explored the east and the third flight only my parents and sisters attended. They went to the west, San Francisco, Hollywood, ... you get the idea. :)
Of course I'd love to talk some more. The problem with it is, I know tons more furry VN's than I do what is considered "normal" VN's. Maybe just maybe I can warm you up to very good, very specific furry VN's? Though I definetly won't pressure you. Besides, VN's such as Echo are about the story and characters not... the other thing. (I'm not a fan of it, but oh well. It's a mind fucking horror experience. I like horror, just not Echo)
If you'd like, Discord could be the place for us to talk more freely, so to say. Are you up for it?
I'm Canadian actually. But I was thinking Discord would be best too. Also you can kind of find me almost anywhere (in most any game) as 'Cronkonium'. It comes from making my last name (which is the anglicised version of Krankheid auf Nederlandish und Krankheit auf Deutsch), into an element of the periodic table. :)
Which one do I choose for the best possible outcome; the Duke, the Lady or the Coppers?
Currently trying the Duke while I'm half asleep and it seems a jumbled mess. Too many things going on and I'm starting to confuse myself with all the subplots and back stabbing.
hey, i was just wondering if theres any way for me to avoid being attracted to women. im a trans gay man and im afraid this game may spark some dysphoria. i hear that from the start you have a wife and it kind of makes me uncomfortable.
it's been a while however I remember rejecting intimate scenes with women at every turn, including the wife, and Rowan ended up confessing women just don't do it for him i think it was a scene with a fox girl or something? ... But yea, at the beginning it's written as the mc being flat out straight witha wife and everything but that can change. Idk if it's still a thing though. I hope it is havent played in a while.. (im a gay transman too so i understand a bit where you're coming from) i hope this makes sense its really late
I stopped playing this after the first week, why? Because I felt that the MC didn't even care to meet his wife again. It dosn't even matter if you agree with the twins to meet her again, MC don't even ask them to let him meet her.
Maybe i'll try it again at some point, maybe I don't.
could anyone give me a guide or tell me how I should go about not getting a bad ending at week 60 ? I got every building to level 1 and made the hall level 2. I only had one village (I thought I captured the others until around week 30 when I saw I only had one which may explain how long it took to make money). I also only went to Keep Reave at week 59 and for some reason they said I took the keep despite I only just left it.
I would like to know what building I should upgrade and how I should go about not losing at week 60. Please could someone help me with that (I ask about which buildings do I don’t waste money, also maybe advice for which research to do (I focused on the 40 ones a bit). And which building allows me to take the Drikers (may have misspelled that).
I would like advice since I can’t find any walkthroughs or guides in it. So the advice would be much appreciated.
Edit: I am using my old android phone to make some strategies to use on my laptop version of the game. I am being more careful and deciding to try and take Raeve Keep as soon as possible (not sure how long since I need to infiltrate it which I saw needs a spy which requires the brothel, which requires dark subterfuge, and that requires Opulance so a total of a hundred moves before I can take it.
What research and building do I need to get Driders ? I ask since I never could get them the first time I played through (shockingly in my first test one those soldiers were quick and got rid of the first nest at week 3 (the week where you see Alexia again is when the my destroyed it, I think that is week 3) which shocked me since normally I had until like turn 12 until it was gone (reloaded a couple times and it was always around that week so seeing the nest destroyed at week 3 is kinda making me think I am screwed early on (kinda like in XCOM when I lost my first two majors in a story (given I had one bring up the rear and he didn’t escape in time)).
Also I think this time I got two villages (the one by the nest I mentioned was destroyed (the village to the south of the portal), I think I captured it since I stuck to the plan and didn’t let the Orc take it.
New Edit: Finally completed the first quota but I still don’t have the 500 gold (at least I don’t think I do, the turn prior I had like 370 and just took Raeve Keep 2 turns prior. I still don’t know what research and building I need for the Driders (still upset I lost them). Could anyone tell me about how to get them ?
thank you for letting me know, but none of those let me know how to build the breeding pit to get the Driders. I am guessing it is behind a research but I don’t know which it is behind (I am starting to think it is behind the military stuff).
Edit: I managed to not get a game over, I took Reave Keep probably a few turns before the point that led to the game over. I built the Tavern first, then the Dark Sanctum, then the Forge, and then the brothel, the arena came after the deadline. I also only spent money when I needed to, I forget the order of research I did.
You need to seek an alliance with the orc camp in the far north west of the map. It will take several turns revisiting camp this to finally get it, and for this you need to free/corrupt/convince the noble woman Delane for anything to happen (explore the camp a few times and you'll find her location). This is the only requirement for not getting a game over at turn 60 I believe
For the driders, you need to research monster breeding, after that you can build a breeding pit. You will be introduced to a new servant, Draith, who will take care of the driders and who will raise the drider eggs that you can get at various places on the map
Yes, It may take awhile though but it is planned in the future as Mac is rather strict with steam. :) that said, I do think the patreon one has a mac build if you are subscribed.
I have a question is the android version apart of patron? Because that is what i use and I can't seem to find any info on if the android version is on patron or not.
Hi, first of all I have to say that your game is really amazing, it's very detailed and rich with content without being just another nsfw game.
But I'm having trouble with Rowan's upgrades. When it comes to skills and feats, armour and everything that needs him to upgrade I can't do it! I got to add some points and choose which feat I want but no matter what I do I can't get the option to it again. It just doesn't appear. I'm on week 26 I think.
I also have about 250 gold yet I don't know where to spend it! I would be able to buy something from Cal-Min but besides that very first option to either buy something from her or buy an upgrade for the castle, I can't get any purchasing options with her.
and I also can't get the minotour to forge me anything, he says he can't spare iron and if I can find more he'll make me something, but every iron amount I find goes directly to the forge. And he tells me the same thing!
Steam is further updated, also as noted by the developer only the Steam and Patreon versions will be updated. If you're worried about it, the Steam version is not censored.
I'd actually like to buy these types of games on here and not Steam. I was about to buy the game on itch, but that doesn't seem to be an option. Hopefully it will be in the near future.
The public demos are no longer being updated- there's enough here to give you a good idea of the game, in order to unlock more content please consider supporting us on Patreon or Steam!
← Return to game
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I'm having problems finding this game on steam, the link works well but when I login to my account the page just says there was a prob and I'm just left there
its truly a pity this game seems really promising and I wanted to experience, the game seems to not be continued here on itch.io, from some comments, (maybe not plz let me know).
Art seems really a treat and I was really exited about it.
Still gonna give it a go.
Let me know if it is even a prob to begin with and also let me know if they are going to keep on publishing it here on itch.io.
XD thanks
That issue is more of an account limitation.
Here is a tutorial on how to view adult games:
Thank you.
I have to give this game a good try XD seems hella cool
Any idea on when the next public update for itch will be? By the way, I'm willing to buy the game through itch.
Public release has long been ceased for itch.
Probably the next release is a demo with an updated gameplay mechanics.
That said, there will be a finished version here once act 1 is done.
The game is great, and has many pleasing visuals, the only deterrent from me supporting on Patreon or buying it on steam, is that there's no guide to the game, unlike many others you will find on itchio
Hi, will you guys ever consider making a game like this but with a female protag and male options? I really love the art style of the game and as a fan of the dark hero narrative, the atmosphere is absolutely amazing! If not, that's alright I can find my otome nsfw fix elsewhere, but if you guys ever do decide to do so, consider me an immediate patron!
Hello Dissidiatime,
We're currently developing 2 games right now, Seeds of Chaos and Jessika's Curse, which both are in the alpha stages.
It'll take a several years to finish the whole SoC saga as we're just tying the loose ends for act 1 .
No promises but we'll see what the future holds. :)
Loved the story up until cheating and what not got involved. Nothing against the game tho, just not my liking.
Can I download the Mac application on an iPad Pro 12
iPad can’t run Mac apps
was playing it for free but then went and got it on steam for easy updating and well why not support a cool game lol
The wording of your question confuses me so, I'll answer like this.
There is heterosexual and homosexual content within the game. The protag has a wife, but you can mostly easily avoid hetero scenes through your choices, you can also fairly easily avoid male/male content fairly easily through your choices. That being said, it is probably impossible to avoid all the gay or all the straight content. You will likely encounter both no matter what you do. While the protagonist is male, you will occasionally gain control over his wife and be able to make choices on her behalf.
In other words
It has both a lot of straight and a lot of gay content. There is more straight content though, and it's (in my opinion) easier to find all the straight scenes than some of the gay scenes.
I like the game.
i just need to ask is this the same as on steam or is this a diferent version??
this is more than a year behind vs the steam version.
More futa my good sir
Hi Guys! How do you trigger the first meeting with Liurial? She never appears in my game.. no way to summon her from the throne room. Am I missing something? Pls help!
just a some quick questions: is the steam version going to be automatically updated? does this corrupt savefiles? and is it possible in the current version to transform any of your slaves or alexia ;) thanks in advance!
Hello Buff,
Not sure how steam updates work but I don't think it will Corrupt any savefiles in the upcomming build. That said, there may be a time when it'll happen as we're expanding the map ( for the goblin arc), doing skill rework and some overall changes on the QoL aspect ( i reckon you'll see some glimpse of it in the next build :) ). As for TF aspect, I don't think so.
Hope this helps. :)
hey sommelier that would be awesome if i could continue my savefile! thanks for the information :)
Any idea on when the next public, non Steam version will be released?
Early september.
Thank you.
oh my god i love it to, imagine if the money they put behind those stupid ass call of duty games went into something complex like this, or that gwent card game
Hi, I have a question. I've played the game on gamcore and I've exported my saved file. Now i downloaded it, since gamcore doesn't allow me to import my save. Is it possible to import my save on the game I've downloaded? Thanks in advance for the answer.
Forgive me, if I ask something that has already been asked... The description doesn't state wether there is m/m content or not. I read in a comment down below there is, but I want to make sure first. I'd be happy about a reply from anyone really.
Haha, fantastic news^^ I am excited! No, not down there... maybe later? Hehehe~ (let me be premature for once, thanks. Although, does it really matter on a site like this?)
It does so very well and thoroughly, thanks a bunch! Your ways of thinking make a lot of sense to me. Maybe they can make more money with Steam than with Patreon? It could be. If they plan to publish in about a year, I guess what it means is they have even more content in store for us (game looks already big, though Idk. A higher quality, like FHD probably I assume.
I like your comment, so I followed you for no real reason really lol
Do you know something about the steam version being filled with more content or something? It doesn't make sense that itch's versions are for free.
These were public builds that lagged behind the Patreon versions. But since Steam does have an 'Adults' section, the creatours put the game on there... they still have it on Steam... and this public version isn't being updated any longer. So we have to pay for it for more content basically.
Also as a fellow gay-guy (gay lover) - not as furry loving as you though it seems, was wondering if you wanted to chat more... share games you've found or visual novelles that you've liked.
It also said you speak German on your account. And I only learned it at University & when I lived in Duesseldorf for a few months. Whether you'd be into conversing auf Deutsch or just in English at all. :)
Oh... I honestly never expected someone to ask this so genuine...
But first: Thank you so much for your long explanation.
It's true, I haven't lied to you or anyone else when I wrote that I'm German.
Did you like your „Aufenthalt“ (=stay) in Düsseldorf at all or was it very difficult for you to communicate? How were the people in the „Umgebung“ (=surroundings)? Personally, I've never been to America for a few month. We visited your lovely country 2 times and my family 3 times (I hate long flights). Once because my sister went to Iowa – lol – for a year, the second time we explored the east and the third flight only my parents and sisters attended. They went to the west, San Francisco, Hollywood, ... you get the idea. :)
Of course I'd love to talk some more. The problem with it is, I know tons more furry VN's than I do what is considered "normal" VN's. Maybe just maybe I can warm you up to very good, very specific furry VN's? Though I definetly won't pressure you. Besides, VN's such as Echo are about the story and characters not... the other thing. (I'm not a fan of it, but oh well. It's a mind fucking horror experience. I like horror, just not Echo)
If you'd like, Discord could be the place for us to talk more freely, so to say. Are you up for it?
I'm Canadian actually. But I was thinking Discord would be best too. Also you can kind of find me almost anywhere (in most any game) as 'Cronkonium'. It comes from making my last name (which is the anglicised version of Krankheid auf Nederlandish und Krankheit auf Deutsch), into an element of the periodic table. :)
Steam build is 10 versions ahead going to 12 by september.
the public build has been ceased for almost a year.
Hmm... I see. Thanks for telling.
Better, but in shorter supply no? Or at least as of the last of the public patches there were fewer.
Is the steam version complete? Does it have more content then the android version?
same question
Which one do I choose for the best possible outcome; the Duke, the Lady or the Coppers?
Currently trying the Duke while I'm half asleep and it seems a jumbled mess. Too many things going on and I'm starting to confuse myself with all the subplots and back stabbing.
hey, i was just wondering if theres any way for me to avoid being attracted to women. im a trans gay man and im afraid this game may spark some dysphoria. i hear that from the start you have a wife and it kind of makes me uncomfortable.
Not that I'm aware of, at the start.
it's been a while however I remember rejecting intimate scenes with women at every turn, including the wife, and Rowan ended up confessing women just don't do it for him i think it was a scene with a fox girl or something? ... But yea, at the beginning it's written as the mc being flat out straight witha wife and everything but that can change. Idk if it's still a thing though. I hope it is havent played in a while..
(im a gay transman too so i understand a bit where you're coming from) i hope this makes sense its really lateI stopped playing this after the first week, why? Because I felt that the MC didn't even care to meet his wife again. It dosn't even matter if you agree with the twins to meet her again, MC don't even ask them to let him meet her.
Maybe i'll try it again at some point, maybe I don't.
could anyone give me a guide or tell me how I should go about not getting a bad ending at week 60 ? I got every building to level 1 and made the hall level 2. I only had one village (I thought I captured the others until around week 30 when I saw I only had one which may explain how long it took to make money). I also only went to Keep Reave at week 59 and for some reason they said I took the keep despite I only just left it.
I would like to know what building I should upgrade and how I should go about not losing at week 60. Please could someone help me with that (I ask about which buildings do I don’t waste money, also maybe advice for which research to do (I focused on the 40 ones a bit). And which building allows me to take the Drikers (may have misspelled that).
I would like advice since I can’t find any walkthroughs or guides in it. So the advice would be much appreciated.
Edit: I am using my old android phone to make some strategies to use on my laptop version of the game. I am being more careful and deciding to try and take Raeve Keep as soon as possible (not sure how long since I need to infiltrate it which I saw needs a spy which requires the brothel, which requires dark subterfuge, and that requires Opulance so a total of a hundred moves before I can take it.
What research and building do I need to get Driders ? I ask since I never could get them the first time I played through (shockingly in my first test one those soldiers were quick and got rid of the first nest at week 3 (the week where you see Alexia again is when the my destroyed it, I think that is week 3) which shocked me since normally I had until like turn 12 until it was gone (reloaded a couple times and it was always around that week so seeing the nest destroyed at week 3 is kinda making me think I am screwed early on (kinda like in XCOM when I lost my first two majors in a story (given I had one bring up the rear and he didn’t escape in time)).
Also I think this time I got two villages (the one by the nest I mentioned was destroyed (the village to the south of the portal), I think I captured it since I stuck to the plan and didn’t let the Orc take it.
New Edit: Finally completed the first quota but I still don’t have the 500 gold (at least I don’t think I do, the turn prior I had like 370 and just took Raeve Keep 2 turns prior. I still don’t know what research and building I need for the Driders (still upset I lost them). Could anyone tell me about how to get them ?
i followed this links
I hope it helps you
thank you for letting me know, but none of those let me know how to build the breeding pit to get the Driders. I am guessing it is behind a research but I don’t know which it is behind (I am starting to think it is behind the military stuff).
Edit: I managed to not get a game over, I took Reave Keep probably a few turns before the point that led to the game over. I built the Tavern first, then the Dark Sanctum, then the Forge, and then the brothel, the arena came after the deadline. I also only spent money when I needed to, I forget the order of research I did.
You need to seek an alliance with the orc camp in the far north west of the map. It will take several turns revisiting camp this to finally get it, and for this you need to free/corrupt/convince the noble woman Delane for anything to happen (explore the camp a few times and you'll find her location). This is the only requirement for not getting a game over at turn 60 I believe
You will need to get one of the 3 sides to ally with you. Otherwise you will still have the game over at week 60
For the driders, you need to research monster breeding, after that you can build a breeding pit. You will be introduced to a new servant, Draith, who will take care of the driders and who will raise the drider eggs that you can get at various places on the map
Can anyone help .....how to corrupt delane... it mentions requires available spy....where can get the spies....help plz....any clue
Brothel, spies are gotten from the brothel.
How to unlock sex scene of Andras Alexia Rowan and jezera .....all four having sex at same time
Do research that unlocks brothel
How i can complete the orcs camp
Did you not want to publish your game in google play store?
Is there going to be a steam version for macOS?
Yes, It may take awhile though but it is planned in the future as Mac is rather strict with steam. :) that said, I do think the patreon one has a mac build if you are subscribed.
if i buy the game on steam, can i play more than 60 weeks? or will continue only 60 weeks?
there are more or less 8 versions ahead of this and there will be more coming next month. so yeah it'll exceed 60 weeks.
Side note: insofar as I know, this build already surpasses week 60.
You can play more than that..... i m not 466 week still missed some scenes
I have a question is the android version apart of patron? Because that is what i use and I can't seem to find any info on if the android version is on patron or not.
There is an android version on our patreon tiers.
Time to get on Patron for this game
Hi, first of all I have to say that your game is really amazing, it's very detailed and rich with content without being just another nsfw game.
But I'm having trouble with Rowan's upgrades. When it comes to skills and feats, armour and everything that needs him to upgrade I can't do it! I got to add some points and choose which feat I want but no matter what I do I can't get the option to it again. It just doesn't appear. I'm on week 26 I think.
I also have about 250 gold yet I don't know where to spend it! I would be able to buy something from Cal-Min but besides that very first option to either buy something from her or buy an upgrade for the castle, I can't get any purchasing options with her.
and I also can't get the minotour to forge me anything, he says he can't spare iron and if I can find more he'll make me something, but every iron amount I find goes directly to the forge. And he tells me the same thing!
The game is undergoing a major mechanic overhaul. it will change some functions by the time it's done.
You can read all about it here:
Where can I find a guide? Because I always finish dead after the limits of days.
Who's the white wolfman you meet in the plains, and does he have a scene?
Is there a guide for him?
Guys please help me
How to go to Rastedel?
Guys pleas help
how to pass the second quest?
Interesting game. Is there a difference between the steam version and the one here on itch.io?
Steam is further updated, also as noted by the developer only the Steam and Patreon versions will be updated. If you're worried about it, the Steam version is not censored.
Thanks for the reply. It's surprising that steam would allow ergo-content on its services now but it's a start!
Wont let me take the city
i keep getting the enternal prisoner ending and dont know what i did wrong
I'd actually like to buy these types of games on here and not Steam. I was about to buy the game on itch, but that doesn't seem to be an option. Hopefully it will be in the near future.
I wonder how you can see all the scenes in the game
So no more updates here? Since there’s been 2 updates in Steam and Patreon, while here it’s still in Sept.
The public demos are no longer being updated- there's enough here to give you a good idea of the game, in order to unlock more content please consider supporting us on Patreon or Steam!